OpenCities Map Help

Pen Table Options Dialog

Used to control level symbology, apply multiple sections to elements, and set options for complex and compound elements.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Modify Pen Table dialog: click the Pen Table Options button

Element symbology comparison mode Affects how the element selection criteria operates when level symbology is enabled. There are two modes from which to choose:
  • As stored in element header — The pen table processes your specified element selection criteria against the symbology as it is stored in the element header.
  • As displayed in view — The pen table processes your specified element selection criteria against the symbology as it is currently displayed in the view.
Match multiple element selections Allows you to set up a pen table to apply more than one section to an element. By default, only one section is applied to an element.
Plot style table compatibility mode Prevents fill pattern output actions from being applied to non-filled objects. It is set by default when an AutoCAD CTB or STB plot style table is imported.
Non-rasterized priority sort mode If checked, pen table priority is honored for both 2D and 3D data, but uses more memory and works only in non-rasterized print mode.
Explode cells Controls whether the pen table processing will treat unshared cells as single units or as individual elements. When treating them as a single unit (the check box is off), only the complex/compound header is processed by the pen table; all of its children inherit any output actions applied to the header. When treating them as individual elements (the check box is on), the complex/compound header is ignored by the pen table.
Explode shared cells Controls whether the pen table processing will treat shared cells as single units or as individual elements. When treating them as a single unit (the check box is off), only the complex/compound header is processed by the pen table; all of its children inherit any output actions applied to the header. When treating them as individual elements (the check box is on), the complex/compound header is ignored by the pen table.